The Division of Nutritional Sciences has hosted Town-Hall sessions with DNS alumni and friends to provide updates, pertinent information and to spotlight faculty and students. I invite you to meet some of the DNS students and their research interests. Thank you to students and faculty members for being part of a unique interdisciplinary nutrition graduate program.

Title and Video Recording


N. Willis DNS Town Hall 4.27.23 Nate Willis, DNS Graduate Student advised by Dr. Khan
B. Metras DNS Town Hall 4.27.23 Breanna Metras, DNS Graduate Student advised by Dr. Holscher
A. Baldeon DNS Town Hall 4.27.23 Alex Baldeon, DNS Graduate Student advised by Dr. Swanson

C. McKenna_DNS Town Hall 3.25.22

Colleen McKenna, DNS Graduate Student advised by Dr. Nicholas Burd

A. Lundquist_DNS Town Hall 3.25.22 

Alexandra Lundquist, DNS Graduate Student advised by Dr. Brent McBride

A. Oliveira_DNS Town Hall 6.21.21

Ashleigh Oliveira, DNS Graduate Student advised by Dr. Manabu Nakamura

A. Mitchell_DNS Town Hall 6.21.21

Ana Mitchell, DNS Graduate Student advised by Dr. Melissa Prescott

L. Ly_DNS Town Hall 6.21.2021

Lindsey Ly, DNS Graduate Student advised by Dr. Jason Ridlon

C. Alexander_DNS Town Hall 11.6.2020

Celeste Alexander, DNS Graduate Student advised by Dr. Kelly Swanson

C. Maino_DNS Town Hall 11.6.2020

Christian Maino Vieytes, DNS Graduate Student co-advised by Drs. Anna Arthur and Zeynep Madak-Erdogan    

L. Shinn_DNS Town Hall 11.6.2020

Leila Shinn, DNS Graduate Student advised by Dr. Hannah Holscher