The Division of Nutritional Sciences has hosted Town-Hall sessions with DNS alumni and friends to provide updates, pertinent information and to spotlight faculty and students. I invite you to meet some of the DNS students and their research interests. Thank you to students and faculty members for being part of a unique interdisciplinary nutrition graduate program.
Title and Video Recording |
Speaker |
N. Willis DNS Town Hall 4.27.23 | Nate Willis, DNS Graduate Student advised by Dr. Khan |
B. Metras DNS Town Hall 4.27.23 | Breanna Metras, DNS Graduate Student advised by Dr. Holscher |
A. Baldeon DNS Town Hall 4.27.23 | Alex Baldeon, DNS Graduate Student advised by Dr. Swanson |
Colleen McKenna, DNS Graduate Student advised by Dr. Nicholas Burd |
Alexandra Lundquist, DNS Graduate Student advised by Dr. Brent McBride |
Ashleigh Oliveira, DNS Graduate Student advised by Dr. Manabu Nakamura |
Ana Mitchell, DNS Graduate Student advised by Dr. Melissa Prescott |
Lindsey Ly, DNS Graduate Student advised by Dr. Jason Ridlon |
Celeste Alexander, DNS Graduate Student advised by Dr. Kelly Swanson |
Christian Maino Vieytes, DNS Graduate Student co-advised by Drs. Anna Arthur and Zeynep Madak-Erdogan |
Leila Shinn, DNS Graduate Student advised by Dr. Hannah Holscher |