Courses and Seminars

Summarized below are the core Nutritional Sciences courses. The general requirements for the degree in Nutritional Sciences include courses in general biochemistry, advanced courses in nutrition, statistics, and graduate seminar courses. Students may select additional courses from Human and Animal Nutrition, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Physiology, Immunology, Food Science, Education, Anthropology, Psychology or Sociology.

Our goal is to provide our graduates with the knowledge and skills needed to address the complex nutritional problems currently facing individuals and populations. Our curriculum has a particular focus on nutritional biochemistry and metabolism which provides the knowledge and training needed to translate observations resulting from genomic and molecular techniques to whole body metabolism. Furthermore, courses in clinical and community nutrition and epidemiology will facilitate integration and extrapolation from molecular markers to metabolism and from metabolic frameworks to behaviors of individuals and groups.


NUTR 420 Nutritional Aspects of Disease

Same as FSHN 420. Examines nutritional, biochemical and physiological aspects of disease processes and studies the role of nutrition in prevention, management and treatment of disease. PreReq: FSHN 220 or comparable course with a physiology prerequisite; MCB 450 or equivalent. 3 Hours

NUTR 426 Biochemical Nutrition I

Same as FSHN 426. The dietary and hormonal regulation of carbohydrate, lipid and amino acid metabolism. Emphasizes the regulation of enzyme activity and the different roles the major organs have in whole animal energy balance . PreReq: FSHN 220, or FSHN 120 and FSHN 414, and MCB 450 or concurrent enrollment. 3 Hours

NUTR 427 Biochemical Nutrition II

Same as FSHN 427. Biochemistry and metabolism of the fat-soluble vitamins and the biochemical role of minerals in animal biology. Emphasizes the digestion, transport, metabolism and intercellular function of these nutrients and how nutrient/food intake and physiological state affect these processes. PreReq: FSHN 426. 3 Hours

NUTR 428 Community Nutrition

Same as FSHN 428. Application and integration of the principles of nutrition and their delivery in the context of social, political and economic environments in local, national and international settings. Offered in alternate fall semesters (even years). PreReq: FSHN 220 or equivalent, one introductory statistics course, and one course in the social or behavioral sciences. 3 Hours

NUTR 500 Nutritional Sciences Seminar

Discussions of current problems in nutritional sciences. Required of all graduate students in the nutritional sciences program. 0 or 1 Hours

NUTR 510 Topics in Nutrition

Same as ANSC 525 and FSHN 510. Series of one-third term intensive courses on current topics in nutritional sciences research. Topics covered include: nutrition regulation, dietary fiber, nutrition and cancer, design of nutrition experiments, nutritional toxicology, nutrition and gene expression. PreReq: Advanced biochemistry. 1 Hours (May be repeated in same term to a maximum of 3 h. For M.S. students a minimum of 3 h is required and a maximum of 5 h is allowed. For Ph.D. students the minimum is 5 h and the maximum is 9 h)

NUTR 511 Regulation of Metabolism

Same as ANSC 521 and FSHN 511. Biochemical and molecular regulatory mechanisms of macronutrient metabolism under various physiological conditions in mammalian species, including humans. PreReq: MCB 240 (or equivalent), MCB 450 and an upper division course in nutrition. Second year graduate standing or above, or consent of instructor. 4 Hours

NUTR 550 Grantsmanship and Ethics

Design and implementation of experimental protocols in nutrition. Examines the scientific, regulatory and ethical context for conducting research in nutrition. The focus of the course will be the writing and evaluation of a simulated peer-reviewed grant proposal. PreReq: Advanced nutritional biochemistry and statistics. 2 Hours

NUTR 561 Advanced Clinical Nutrition

Same as FSHN 520. Basic pathophysiological changes associated with major organ system failure and appropriate nutritional support and treatment. Provides medical orientation needed for participating in medical nutrition rounds. Covers topics such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes, immunological diseases and nutritional care in obstetrics. PreReq: Upper division course in physiology and a course in clinical nutrition. 2 Hours (May be repeated in same term to a maximum of 4 h. For M.S. students a maximum of 5 h can be counted towards the degree requirements. For Ph.D. students the maximum is 9 h)

NUTR 590 Disciplinary Seminar

Discussions of current research and literature pertaining to disciplinary specializations within the Division of Nutritional Sciences. 0 or 1 Hours (May be repeated to a maximum of 2 h for M.S. students and 4 h for Ph.D. students)

NUTR 593 Individual Topics in Nutrition

For students majoring in nutritional sciences who wish to undertake individual studies of a non-thesis nature in problems or topics not covered in other courses; may be taken under the direction of any member of the nutritional sciences faculty, with the exception of the student's own thesis advisor. PreReq: Consent of instructor. 1 to 4 Hours

NUTR 599 Thesis Research

0–12 Hours