With your help, nutritional sciences students achieve a high-quality education and pursue careers addressing global challenges. Your financial support enables our department to enhance the student experience and maintain our top-ranked program, facilities, equipment, and research.

For information or to discuss options for making a major gift, please contact the advancement office directly at 217-333-9355 or email acesadvancement@illinois.edu.

To make a gift, select the fund you wish to support. You will be directed to the University of Illinois Foundation's secure online giving site to select an amount and enter your personal and credit card information.


DNS Excellence Endowment Fund

The Nutritional Sciences Excellence Endowment Fund will be used to sustain and enhance the excellence of the Division of Nutritional Sciences by providing graduate students with enhanced research and professional development experiences.

DNS Excellence Endowment Fund

DNS Annual Fund

The Nutritional Sciences Annual Fund, although not an endowment (the funds, rather than the interest generated, are used directly), this fund provides unrestricted support for Nutritional Sciences.

DNS Annual Fund

Nutritional Seminar Series Fund

The Nutritional Seminar Series fund supports the weekly DNS seminar series for University of Illinois faculty and students. The seminar series is also open to the community. High-profile researchers, representing the depth and breadth of DNS research areas, are invited to speak.

Nutritional Seminar Series Fund

Nutritional Sciences Margin of Excellence Fund

The Margin of Excellence Program provides conference travel grants and research seed-grant funding to students on a competitive basis. Conference travel grants enable DNS students to attend professional meetings and scientific conferences. The annual research proposal competition allows DNS students to experience writing a proposal and managing projects and budgets while obtaining seed grant funding.

Nutritional Sciences Margin of Excellence Fund

David H. Baker Nutrition Endowed Award Fund in Nutritional Sciences

The David H. Baker Nutrition Endowed Award Fund in Nutritional Sciences recognizes students who display excellence in research as documented through peer-reviewed publications, awards and research grants. During the selection of the award recipient, an emphasis will be placed on the originality and creativity of the student's research.

Watch video about David H. Baker

David H. Baker Nutrition Endowed Award Fund in Nutritional Sciences

Toshiro Nishida Research Award Fund

The Toshiro Nishida Research Award Fund provides support for travel to national and international scientific conferences. Criteria used to select the awardee include the originality and quality of the student's abstract and poster or oral presentation.

Watch video about Toshiro Nishida

Toshiro Nishida Research Award Fund

James L. Robinson Nutrition Impact Award Fund

The James L. Robinson Nutrition Impact Award Fund recognizes students who display excellence in professional service to the University, the Division, the Nutritional Sciences Graduate Student Association or to a professional society.

Watch video about James L. Robinson

James L. Robinson Nutrition Impact Award Fund

Dr. Willard J. and Priscilla F. Visek Lecture Fund

The Dr. Willard J. and Priscilla F. Visek Lecture Fund will be used to support collaborative scholarly activities in the science of nutrition at UIUC by providing funding for a lectureship, including, but not limited to, honorarium, travel, accommodations, publicity and receptions associated with the lecture. The lecture topic should emphasize the molecular basis of normal and abnormal nutrition-related processes in human beings and should take place on an annual basis.

Dr. Willard J. and Priscilla F. Visek Lecture Fund

Frank W. Kari Endowed Memorial Award Fund in Nutritional Sciences

The Frank W. Kari Endowed Memorial Award Fund in Nutritional Sciences will provide awards to graduate students who are enrolled in the Division of Nutritional Sciences in the College of ACES at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The awards will be used by recipients to attend scientific conferences, including the annual Experimental Biology Meeting.

Watch video about Frank W. Kari

Frank W. Kari Endowed Memorial Award Fund in Nutritional Sciences

Dr. William Rose Endowed Award Fund in Nutritional Sciences

The William C. Rose Endowment Award fosters professional development of Nutritional Sciences students by providing support for students to travel to scientific conferences.

Watch video about William C. Rose

Dr. William Rose Endowed Award Fund in Nutritional Sciences

Dr. George C. Fahey Nutritional Sciences Seminar Fund

Dr. George C. Fahey Nutritional Sciences Seminar Fund

Sharon M. Donovan Pediatric Nutrition Seminar Fund

Sharon M. Donovan Pediatric Nutrition Seminar Fund


If you'd like to contribute to a fund not listed here, please click the button below to visit the Nutritional Sciences online giving page. Simply enter the fund name in the 'Gift Designation' box to direct your donation.
